June 7

Ep. 0105: Peeking Behind the Iron Curtain with Kristaps Andrejsons

Kristaps Andrejsons is a Latvian podcaster who hosts the Eastern Border podcast, a show about the history of the Soviet Union with an emphasis on what life was like for regular people who lived in it.

Join CJ & Kristaps as they discuss a wide range of topics, including:

  • Kristaps’ background and why he started his show
  • An description of what life was like for an average, non-elite Soviet citizen, and some discussion of wide variances in experience between different groups depending on status and regional differences
  • The ways in which the Soviet system sought to keep people in a state of dependence, and parallels to this in other realms of history
  • Civic religion in the USSR and USA
  • Soviet humor
  • How totalitarian states seek to eliminate or takeover all intermediate social institutions and eliminate any real private life
  • Food (or lack thereof) in the Soviet Union
  • The impact of Communism on creativity
  • What life is like as a Latvian podcaster today
  • Why some Latvians fought on the side of the Nazis in WWII
  • Some of the human tragedies of Soviet history, such as the Chernobyl meltdown and Afghan war
  • Stalin’s Five Year Plans & starving of the Ukraine to fund them
  • Free speech vs. censorship, and making a conscious effort to read controversial material & read things outside your own comfort zone

And more!


The Eastern Border podcast

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Posted June 7, 2016 by profcj in category "Interviews", "Modern World History", "Podcasts