September 11

Ep. 0251: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 10

(Originally published Feb., 2023)

CJ returns to the story of the man he loves to hate!

This time, we’re going to take a detour from the chrono-narrative of Wilson’s presidency; this one is going to focus on Wilson’s beliefs, statements & actions on race throughout his career as an academic & politician.

Was Woodrow Wilson a racist? The short answer is yes, without a doubt. But as is so often the case with history, the details are more complicated & more interesting than most people realize!

Join CJ as he does a deep-dive exploration into Woodrow Wilson’s beliefs, statements, & actions regarding race through his academic & political careers.


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September 11

Ep. 0242: Hays Codes, Part 1: The Old Hays Code

(Originally published Oct., 2022)

In part 1 of 2, join CJ as he discusses the Motion Picture Association of America’s so-called “Hays Code” (officially: “A Code to Govern the Making of Motion Pictures”), which rigidly controlled the content of most American movies from the early-1930s to the late-1960s.


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September 11

Ep. 0236: WWI Propaganda in the US Part 1: Perfidious Albion’s Propaganda

(Originally published July, 2022)

Finally! Here it is – the longest and, I believe, the most important Dangerous History Podcast episode I’ve done to date! (I recorded the first of many segments for this episode all the way back in April, and had been researching & composing notes for it for many months before that!)

Join CJ as he discusses the massive British propaganda operation in the US that ran from 1914-1917 (during the period of American “neutrality”), which was a crucial factor in eventually bringing the US into World War I.


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September 11

Ep. 0229: The Dirty Baker’s Dozen, Part 1

(Originally published Dec., 2021)

Harkening back to a DHP series on important concepts & theories from 5 years ago, CJ decided to put together another such series for 2021, this time zeroing in on 13 concepts & theories that have been on display in a big way since the beginning of Covid Madness (and all that has come along with it) in spring of 2020. This first episode in the series will cover the first 4 concepts & theories.

Join CJ as he discusses:

  • Crisis & Leviathan
  • Tacit Collusion (or ‘SIgnalling’)
  • Libido Dominandi
  • Doublethink


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September 11

Ep. 0227: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 9

(Originally published Nov., 2021)

Finally, here it is: The ninth installment in CJ’s meticulous & merciless dissection of the life & career of Woodrow Wilson

Join CJ as he discusses some of Wilson’s major speeches & domestic policy achievements, as well as some of his major personal/family changes, which took place during 1914, his second year as President.


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September 11

Ep. 0222: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 8

(Originally published July, 2021)

For this 8th installment in the Wilson series, we will focus on the beginning of Wilson’s presidency, including his Cabinet selections, inauguration, and early successes in pushing his agenda through Congress in his first year in office, especially in regard to the passage of the 1913 Revenue Act and the Federal Reserve Act.


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September 11

Ep. 0217: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 7

(Originally published Feb., 2021)

Here’s the seventh installment in the DHP’s ongoing coverage of the life & career of Woodrow Wilson.

Join CJ as he discusses the 1912 election, which resulted in Woodrow Wilson’s election to the presidency.


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September 11

Ep. 0210: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 6

(Originally published Oct., 2020)



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September 11

Ep. 0207: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 5

(Originally published Aug., 2020)

Here it is, the giant deep dive overview episode of Woodrow Wilson’s decades of academic output! (Remember, I dive down these nightmarish rabbit-holes so you don’t have to!) Here CJ dissects Woodrow Wilson’s beliefs in painstaking detail, using the mountain of  of essays, articles, books, speeches & lectures produced by the man over the course of his nearly three-decade-long career as an intellectual.

Join CJ as he discusses:

  • Wilson’s overall ideology in regard to history and politics
  • Wilson’s particular notion of ‘progress,’ and his main intellectual influences in this regard
  • Wilson’s views on the state in general
  • Wilson’s views on democracy
  • Wilson’s views on American history and politics, including his views on the Constitution, the presidency, and more
  • Wilson’s views on socialism


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September 11

Ep. 0197: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 4

(Originally published Feb., 2020)

In this fourth installment in the epic DHP Villains Woodrow Wilson series, we’re detail-stripping what CJ considers to be perhaps the single most important piece of writing in Woodrow Wilson’s career, the essay “The Study of Administration,” which was published in the July 1887 issue of Political Science Quarterly, when Wilson was only 30 years old and just 2 years into his professional academic career. Wilson never significantly deviated from the ideas laid down in this essay over the remainder of his academic career; he also did quite a lot of implement them as President of the United States, and one can see the influence of these ideas on the growth & development of the US government’s administrative apparatus ever since. (Though the real-world results have been far from the ideal of benevolence, efficiency, and transparency that Wilson described!)

Join CJ as he takes this essay apart with critical analysis, and, near the end, shares the insights of Alexis de Tocqueville who, writing approximately 50 years before Wilson wrote “The Study of Administration,” identified and warned about just the sort of mixture of democracy and bureaucratic despotism that men like Wilson would eventually advocate & usher in.


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