May 24

Ep. 0258: DHP Heroes: Osceola (CJ’s talk from the 2023 Florida LP Convention)

Join CJ as he discusses the life & death of the Seminole leader Osceola, who was a key resistance leader in the early stages of the Second Seminole War (1835-42), the longest & costliest Indian war in US history, in which the US government was using force to ethnically cleanse the Seminole people out of Florida.


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May 2

Ep. 0257: What to Expect When Your Empire’s Collapsing

This DHP episode features CJ’s talk from the March, 2023 Self Reliance Festival in Tennessee, in which he discusses some of the most common unfortunate historical phenomena that tend to occur when empires are declining & falling.


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April 12

Ep. 0255: De-propagandizing the Highly Blue-Pilled

This DHP episode features the audio of CJ’s presentation from the January 2023 Tom Woods School of Life in-person event in Orlando, FL.

Join CJ as he discusses strategies for trying to reach highly propagandized people in one-on-one conversations in order to help undo their programming.


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September 14

Ep. 0240: Lessons for the Modern Propagandist

This DHP episode is the audio of CJ’s presentation delivered at the first live event for Tom Woods’ School of Life (of which CJ is a member) in Orlando, FL in July of 2022.

Join CJ as he discusses some of the many things he’s learned from nearly two decades of studying the history & techniques of modern propaganda.

Hire CJ to speak at your event!

Join Tom Woods’ School of Life!

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June 28

Ep. 0184: DHP Villains: Harry Anslinger (CJ’s presentation from the 2019 Midwest Peace & Liberty Fest)

At the 2019 Midwest Peace & Liberty Fest in Delton, Mich., CJ took the occasion of Michigan’s recent legalization of marijuana to do a DHP Villains feature on the man who is arguably the most important of the Founding Fathers of the US government’s war on drugs.

Join CJ as he discusses the career of Harry J. Anslinger, from his early life to working for the State Department, then the Treasury Department, culminating in his tenure as first Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics from 1930-62, during which time (among other things) he presided over the beginning of the federal government’s criminalization of marijuana and the continuous amping-up of the drug war and its penalties; along the way we’ll also cover Anslinger’s racism & xenophobia, as well as his connections to the OSS and CIA, including lending those agencies some of his top agents for shady purposes, including some of the MK-Ultra experiments.

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November 7

Ep. 0172: The Voluntary Difference (What CJ said at Harvard)

This episode contains CJ’s presentation from the Sound Education podcast conference held at the Divinity School of Harvard University in November, 2018.

Join CJ as he discusses:

  • The differences he’s noticed (for both teacher & learner) between a conventional classroom setting on the one hand, and podcasting on the other
  • His belief that these differences are largely due to the fact that a typical classroom setting is less voluntary and revolves around extrinsic motivations, whereas something like podcasting is purely voluntary (for both teacher & learner) and revolves around intrinsic motivations, and why the latter is superior in most important ways to the former

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  • “Teacher Liberation” (an excellent Ted Talk by Joel Hammon that also addresses some of the ways in which voluntary educational relationships are superior to nonvoluntary ones, for both teachers and students)
  • A Ted Talk by Daniel Pink, author of Drive

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September 16

Ep. 0169: Autodidacts in History: CJ’s Presentation from the 2018 Freecoast Festival

This episode is the audio of CJ’s talk at the 2018 Freecoast Festival in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on the topic of autodidacts in history.

Join CJ as he discusses autodidacts from a variety of fields from ancient to modern times, along with some thoughts on what it means to be an autodidact, and some of the potential benefits and pitfalls of it.

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June 28

Ep. 0163: Avoiding Intellectual Inbreeding

Here is the audio of CJ’s presentation delivered on Sunday, June 24th, 2018, at the 6th Midwest Peace & Liberty Fest in Michigan.

Join CJ as he discusses:

  • A little bit about his own personality and educational background that have led him to be more resistant to intellectual inbreeding than most people (but still prone to it to some extent, because all people are)
  • One of the main problems with conventional academia, and how, if you insulate yourself too much from ideas that contradict your own, you are in danger of becoming like academia in terms of being insulated & isolated from diverse ideas
  • Some of the problems that come from becoming intellectually inbred, including excessive confirmation bias
  • Some of the benefits gained from being eclectic & omnivorous in the intellectual content that you consume
  • Suggestions for ways to try to minimize confirmation bias & avoid intellectual inbreeding
  • Some very interesting Q&A

CJ’s Dangerous Amazon Bibliography 

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August 29

Ep. 0116: Abolitionism & Anarchism (CJ’s presentation from the Midwest Peace & Liberty Conference)

At high noon on Saturday August 27th 2016 I had the pleasure of speaking at the Midwest Peace & Liberty Fest. Here’s the audio of that presentation.

Join CJ as he discusses:

  • The different types of antislavery groups in Antebellum America
  • The most radical part of the abolitionist spectrum, including the New England Non-Resistance Society, who were Christian anarchists in all but name
  • How the anarchistic abolitionists simply took the antislavery arguments to their logical conclusions; and how some Southern defenders of slavery understood this
  • The contributions of the ‘extreme’ abolitionists to the success of the movement
  • Lessons and parallels for anarchists today
  • Some Q&A

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June 28

Ep. 0107: Applying Guerrilla Methods Beyond War (CJ’s talk at Porcfest XIII)

Join CJ as he discusses

  • An overview of Michael Collins’ campaign to end British rule in Ireland
  • 10 lessons one can learn from studying guerrilla warfare that apply to many other human endeavors:
  1. Don’t be afraid to start small & build up your resources from there
  2. Turn your weaknesses into strengths, and if you have an ‘opponent’ or ‘competitor,’ turn their strengths into weaknesses.
  3. Your resourcefulness is much more important than your resources.
  4. Always remember, the greatest resource you have are human ones: yourself and any partners you might be working with.
  5. When following the way of the guerrilla, conventional experience & formal qualifications in a field are rarely an asset, and may often be detrimental.
  6. Sometimes knowledge & experience in a seemingly unrelated field can help you.
  7. When seeking to accomplish something via the guerrilla way, DO NOT try to emulate your conventional competitors.
  8. Knowledge/intelligence/information/understanding are of vital importance.
  9. Carefully pick your battles: Engage only when you feel you have an advantage; and if things nonetheless turn against you, don’t hesitate to quickly disengage & disperse.
  10. If your project involves setting up some sort of organization, make it minimalist, decentralized, relatively egalitarian, and flexible, and only recruit people committed to the cause.
  • An overview of how George Romero used an approach very similar to guerrilla warfare to make Night of the Living Dead

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